09 May 2010

Aleksandar is one month old today

It's been a busy first month of life. Some of the things Aca has experienced so far are...
breastfeeding; explosive poos; taking walks outside in the sling that everyone in Belgrade thinks is bad for him; visit to the rough pediatrician; his sister pretending to love him; his first bath; a trip to the Belgrade municipality to be registered; smiles from people on the street; getting his nails clipped; a car ride to Bosnia; meeting his grandparents; skyping with friends and family in NYC, Bangkok and Kingston; diaper rash; being called "Burgija", "Stinky", "Atta" and "Aci" ("At-sy"); a drive to the mountain region of Kosmaj; smells of Serbian food in the kitchen; smells of Thai food in the kitchen; a saint's day party; a drive to the airport to drop off his grandfather; his vision getting better and better.


  1. he's grown so much already! and looking a lot like his sis :)

  2. This is a refreshing blog... I don't even know how I found it on the internet. But now I take a look from time to time.
    I guess it is not so easy to move from New York to Serbia and to manage in new surrounding. But, you can find happiness everywhere, and good people too.
    I wish your little and cute family all the luck and it would be great to have you one day as guests here in Novi Sad, where I live.

