25 February 2011

jet-lagged and culture shocked

Just when we thought we'd stayed in Thailand long enough to miss the rest of winter, Belgrade welcomed us back with non-stop snow and -3 degree C!

This is the view from our bedroom at 06:00 this morning.

Yesterday I forced myself out of the house and took a walk to the green market.

Hopefully this doesn't last much longer. The green market is soooo much better in the spring.

Traveling is so weird. One day you're eating mangoes and riding on the back of a motorcycle in the tropics; the next you're walking through 6 inches of snow all wrapped up in long johns and army coat. I need a nap.

Oh, and here's some free advice: NEVER FLY AEROFLOT! They suck. Not only did they accidentally delete my son's ticket for his connecting flight, but they also lost one of our bags. And on top of that, they were rude about it. AND, if you ask for an extra blanket on the plane, they look at you like you just asked for a full body massage.

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