31 July 2010

aca talking

30 July 2010


Our friend, Vladimir, owns KAFANA, NYC's only Serbian restaurant.

Click HERE to see a recent review that Fox News just did with him.

And a couple of other articles in the NY TIMES and NY MAGAZINE..

Go get some Serbian food!!


28 July 2010


my beautiful girl

27 July 2010

little tyrant

26 July 2010

dorcol textures

Dorcol is the name of our neighborhood.

25 July 2010



Our good friend from Munich/NYC came to visit us for a couple of days. She's an inspiring person, an amazing designer, and generally full of life - a rare bird - and so good to have around.

23 July 2010

happy painter


22 July 2010


16 July 2010

planting at Majdan

Here are a few pix from Maya's art class last Sunday when the activity of the day was to plant flowers. It's the only time that she LIKES to get dirty, when it involves nature and dirt and shovels. It made me miss our beautiful vegetable garden in Brooklyn, where she would eat tomatoes and peas right off the plants.

15 July 2010

dream life

Maya has bilingual dreams.

She has been sleeping badly lately, so when she comes to our room in the early morning, I just let her sleep with Aca and me in the bed. Boogie is still in NYC, so there's room.

This morning, after coming in at 06:00, she started talking in her sleep, first saying in Serbian, "ne ce da ....*something*" which means "she doesn't want to *something*", I couldn't hear whatever that something was. But then she said in English, "Maya doesn't want to lay down." (I'm trying to get her to snap out of talking in the third person...) I suppose it was some residual protest from last night when I made her finally go to bed at 23:00.

Then she fell back asleep. Half an hour later, eyes closed, she says "Maya hoce soc" and then immediately, "Maya wants juice." Then she wakes up, sees me awake, and still half asleep starts pointing at the telephone telling me "Maya wants juice. Here's juice."

Uuuh, ok Chubby. Whatever.

13 July 2010


Here are a few shots from Maya's ONE-PER-DAY book #1. Since the day she was born, we've taken one photo per day of her with a Contax point and shoot camera. Of course, we are doing the same for Aca; his designated camera is a Nikon FM2.

This first shot is Maya at 95 days old, which is how old Aca is today. The onesie she's wearing doesn't fit him anymore. Little Chunky is wearing 6mo size baby clothes.

12 July 2010

11 July 2010

The Uncovering

some pix from the Carmichael Gallery:

10 July 2010


Aleksandar is 3 months old

Yesterday little Aca turned 3 months old. He had his monthly check up with Dr. Brankovic and now weighs 6.75 kg and is 65cm tall. Dragana made him a mini version of her chocolate mousse cake, which she and Maya and I ate for him.

I don't have any new pictures lately because the f*#%ing bastards at Apple decided that the new update for iPhone software will re-lock an unlocked phone.
Lesson: If you have an unlocked iPhone, don't ever update the software, you don't know what will happen.
Antidote for angry feelings toward evil corporations: Look at pictures of happy smiley baby!

07 July 2010


mother of 2

05 July 2010

Super Maya

04 July 2010

Maya at her art class

Today at Majdan, they covered balloons with paper mache. Maya didn't like the idea of getting her hands dirty, so she ran around hitting and chasing her balloon instead.

She had fun and ended up covered in flour/water somehow anyway.


An empty room with old balloons in another area of the community center. It has nothing to do with the class, I just found it strange.

Aca turned over by himself yesterday!

Thanks to auntie Adrienne for the Moschino outfit :)